Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mr. Liu Jinlong works of art

Liu Jinlong
Liu word flag, No. Jinxiang. Single County in Shandong. 6-year-old began to learn painting under the tutelage of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Professor Jin Honggou.
Mr. Jin Long is a famous calligrapher of contemporary country artists, book arts skilled scribe, seal, to meticulous painting flowers, birds, fruits, vegetables known, the traditional skill profound. In recent years, been invited to visit North America, South Asia and other places for artistic exchange. The new century, style mutation, works mostly traditional and modern, East and West combined. On behalf of affectation are: "rise higher figure," "wind," "Red Rose", "bright," "Apprentice," "Peace Spring" and so on. Not the wind and his recent Chinese and foreign art galleries, art galleries, museum collections and international friends.
He is currently a Chinese Heritage Society, vice president of the Arts Council Summer Palace, Chinese Academy of ATV paintings, Oriental Painting Hualong Managing Director and other staff.

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